So, I've been given my very first Blogger Meme award! I've been given the Liebster Award by TheAdventuresOfNotSupermom, one of my favorite ladies on the interweb. Click on over and check out her amazing strengths as she deals with her Minor Details (her kiddies).
The Liebster Award highlights up-and-coming blogs, those with less than 200 followers. Liebster is German for Friend, so I'm taking a few moments to call attention to those I consider friends.
The Rules:
Upon receiving the Liebster Award, you must do the following:
1. Show your thanks to the blogger(s) who gave you the award by linking back to them.
2. Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Post the award on your blog.
4. Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the Internet – other writers.
5. And best of all – have fun!
And My Liebster Awards go to:
The Woman Formerly Known as Beautiful: Shannon Colleary is witty, talented and beautiful, and has taught me so much about life as a former wacktress turned wife and mother in LA (I could never hold up to the pressure!).
Portlandiamom: "Jen" e sais quoi always makes me laugh, even when she's not writing about Nathan Fillion. With two short people to wrangle, plus Foodie Fridays, there's always something new to learn.
The Wily Weez: Fuck You Fridays and sarcasm that makes me sound like Snow White. What else do you need to know?
Ow, my angst: Karensomethingorother is another dazzlingly brilliant blog mommy on an exciting journey through daily life. Kids make excellent blog fodder, right?
Tazer Warrior Princess: What can I say about Tazer? Besides the fact that she is effing awesomeness wrapped in tell-it-like-it-fucking-should-be-said-ness. And I love that.
Thanks to these fantastic bloggers for making my day!!
thanks very much! I will bask in love as soon as I stop churling with hate :)
ReplyDeleteGerms and cramps. You know what I'm talking about.
Hang in there, honey. Tis the season for YUCKY stuff! xo
ReplyDeleteby the way...I'm getting to it! Never fear! You will soon come to know that it takes me FOREVER to get to things :)
ReplyDeleteOK, I have been a total slacker-ass and been uber-lazy about apying forward the Liebster. BAD JEN! BAD, BAD, JEN!!!! Tomorrow I'm giving props where props are due. ;)
ReplyDelete:) Relax, sistah. Tis the season for recuperating. xoxo